
The Morris Rotary Club is a close-knit group of very active members.  If you would like to visit a meeting (or consider joining our group), contact any Rotarian for additional information or to arrange a visit.


MEMBERS  (As of April 25, 2013):

Bosco, Sharon

Breuninger, Mary

Brown, Juanita

Burdick, William

Child, Beth

Conroe, Jeffrey

D'Amico, Michael

DeLaurentiis, Teresa

Graves, Harry

Johnson, Frederic

Johnson, Gary

Long, Joanne

Kranbuhl, Maureen

Marlier, Felice

Matteson, John

Meyers, Matthew

Miller, Joan

Miller, Roger

Miller-Ballard, Lois

Pasternak, Carolyn

Pasternak, James

Pegg, Patrick

Phelps, Steve

Phillips, Carrie Lynn

Pickens, William

Porter, Jeffrey

Rehrmann, Henry

Sheldon, Matthew

Smith, Lyle

Stanley, Rev. Nancy

Tiffany, Norman


Virgil, Michael

Webster, Royce



Bourgeois, Gerard

Halbert, Ronarld

Keene, Richard

Norton, Bruce

Sorensen, Herbert

Stowell, William