Leadership Conference

MRC Sends Three Students To RYLA

Morris Rotarians gave three Butternut Valley students the opportunity to attend the District's annual leadership forum at Hartwick College this summer.  Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) were given to Lauren Hill (G-MU), Vanessa Hulse (MCS), and Emily LeBoeffe (MCS). The trio (from left, shown with President Lyle Smith) attended the week-long conference with 100 other high school juniors from across the Southern Tier.  Most of District 7170's 45 Rotary Clubs provide scholarships to recruit students from city and rural schools, both large and small. The attendees participate in assorted activities designed to improve their leadership skills, to promote problem solving techniques, and to show the results of teamwork.

Posted by Harry Graves on Jul 30, 2012 at 10:59 PM | Categories:
