May 23, 2011 Program

Nancy Hale presented a program entitled “Hearing Loss – A Growing Problem”.  She has had major hearing loss since childhood and has researched the condition extensively in her university studies.  Most hearing-impaired people can hear assorted noises but they cannot clearing differentiate the sounds that form human speech.

Although most people experience some gradual hearing loss until around age 40, the 45 – 64 age group has the greatest loss, actually more than those over 65. Repetitive exposure to loud sounds from machines and the use of ear/head phones by the younger population are thought to be major causes of this condition.

According to Mrs. Hale, hearing loss is the leading disability in the world. The hearing aid is the second most widely-used assistive device, including the walking cane.  While 8% of the population is hard of hearing, many people refuse to take a hearing exam.  She recommends a visit to an audiologist (hearing doctor) for such an exam, not accepting one from a hearing aid company.

Mrs. Hale is the assistant pastor at Norwich’s Broad Street United Methodist Church.  Her husband, Rev. Jeff Hale, is a member of the Norwich Rotary Club.


Posted by Harry Graves on May 24, 2011 at 10:19 AM | Categories:
